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Mastering the Common Essay: 7 Steps to Unleash Your Story


The Common App Essay

Greetings, ambitious (and maybe nervous) scholars! As a seasoned college advisor with over a decade of experience, I’m thrilled to guide you through one of the first pivotal aspects of your college application journey: brainstorming the Common Essay. At, we comprehend the weight this essay carries and its potential to set you apart. So, join me as we delve into the art of brainstorming, expertly shaping narratives, and ultimately creating an essay that exudes your unique essence.


Step 1: Ignore the Prompt. Really.

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but the prompts are broad. Most stories you come up with will fit into at least one of the first six—and the 7th is “Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.” You do have to answer the prompt eventually and make your story relevant to what they ask for, but the first thing is finding the unique story that best represents the narrative you want to convey to colleges. So, honestly, for now: skip to Step 2.

Step 2: Reflect on Your Journey

Let’s dive into introspection. Reflect on your experiences, challenges, triumphs, and those defining moments that have changed or guided your life’s path. Unearth memories that not only ignited your passion but also catalyzed pivotal shifts in your worldview. Each of these memories, both big and small, will serve as a treasure trove of inspiration as you embark on this journey of self-expression.

Try writing down 1-2 sentences about each potential story—no matter how small or seemingly insignificant—to see which sparks your imagination. Don’t overthink this part; just get something down on paper.

Step 3: Identify Your Unique Angle

The beauty of a great Common Essay lies in authenticity – it’s your story, your way. Burger King Style.

Mad tv Burger King
Have it your way

Thus, your task is to identify the angle that sets you apart from the crowd. What truly makes your journey exceptional? Whether it’s your remarkable triumph over seemingly insurmountable obstacles, your wholehearted embrace of diversity, or your unwavering dedication to igniting change, it’s essential to pinpoint your narrative’s distinct flavor.

But remember: you do not have to have cured a major disease or built a Fortune 500 company. You’re, legally speaking, a child.


Under the law, a child usually refers to an individual who is a minor, who is below legal age or the age of majority. The age of majority being 18 in most states. Being below the age of majority means that the child will have fewer rights but also less responsibilities than those who have attained the age of majority.

Cornell Legal Information Institute

So, what have you done with the resources available to you? Did you start a club in a school that doesn’t have very many to begin with? Did you raise $250 for a cause you really care about? Do you have a unique or quirky family that has influenced your outlook on life? These can work too!


Step 4: Create a Mind Map

Mind mapping, a powerful tool in your arsenal, is the next step in this creative endeavor. Begin by placing your unique angle at the heart of the map. Then, branch out thoughtfully, incorporating supporting experiences, personal anecdotes, and lessons learned. The visual representation of your thoughts is exceptionally helpful in seamlessly organizing your ideas into a coherent structure.

Start with these mind-mapping apps.

Or check out this ideation book. It’s for young professionals but can be just as useful to students:

book on creating your narrative / story, good for businesspeople or students
To get you thinking…

Step 5: Focus on Theme

Your essay’s theme is the heart and soul of your composition. It’s the element that artfully weaves your diverse range of experiences into a compelling, harmonious narrative. So, ask yourself: Is the underlying theme of your journey centered around resilience, driven by an unquenchable curiosity, or rooted in a sense of community? With this theme firmly in mind—and on the page—you can amplify your unique journey.


Step 6: Craft an Engaging Hook

The opening lines of your essay serve as your chance to captivate the reader’s attention from the start. Thus, you need an engaging hook that not only draws them in but also compels them to keep reading. Consider sharing a captivating anecdote or posing a thought-provoking question. Crafting this hook thoughtfully will set the tone for an essay that’s both intriguing and compelling. But you may end up writing this part last, once you know what the essay is really “about.”

Step 7: Infuse Emotion and Authenticity

As you delve further into the body of your essay, remember that infusing it with genuine emotion and unwavering authenticity is key. Be sure to share details that evoke a spectrum of feelings and invite the reader to not just comprehend but also deeply connect with your journey. After all, admissions officers greatly value the sincerity inherent in stories that candidly reveal your personal growth and the depths of your character—even your weaknesses, as long as you can say how you are addressing them.


Your Unique College Essay Journey

As you begin crafting your Common App Essay, remember that is here to be your unwavering companion. These 7 essential steps can undoubtedly serve as your roadmap for curating an essay. But as an award-winning writer and editor, Sam can help you push your essay to its highest heights.

By embracing the art of storytelling, you’ll unveil a fragment of yourself that leaves a lasting impression on college admissions committees. With our expert guidance and your extraordinary backstory (I promise you have one!), your Common Essay is destined to shine as an authentic testament to your potential and dreams. So, together, let’s embark on this journey and pave the way for your ultimate college admissions success

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